KarisMa, Goddess Artist


Me The purpose of my art could be described very simply – to make myself and others happy. Creating art makes me happy; and seeing others enjoying it, doubles, or no, multiplies ten-fold the joy for me!

My art is my service to God; God has no gender, I use this term for the want of better word. More specifically, I am a devout servant of the Goddess, I invoke the Divine Feminine in my artwork.  The Goddess lives in each of us and everything that is created in this Universe. We all form one giant Mind, the Collective Consciousness. The Goddess lives in our minds in the forms of many archetypes,  and the images I create awaken these archetypes, thus connecting us to the Goddess and invoking her current in the world.  The world lacks the Divine Feminine Current, and by forgetting the Goddess, and abusing the Gaia, we get into troubles such as hunger, environmental problems, wars and natural cataclysms.  In short my art is invocational – look at it and invoke the Goddess, however you call her, and if you don’t call her, maybe it is time?

2 Responses to "About"

Hi, I am Karisma.

I am a mystical esoteric artist drawing my inspiration from mythology, Goddess, alchemy, angels, and ancient worlds, mystery religions, magic and occult. In short, I just like making magical art.

Born in 1973, in Moscow, raised in Tbilisi, Georgia, I have led quite a nomadic lifestyle; roaming between Georgia, Russia, Hungary, US and now I have settled in Austria.

I have exhibited solo as well as in group shows in Russia, Hungary, Austria and Georgia.

I am an autodidact (self-taught) painter, with PhD in sociology and MS in Mathematics

Some of my art was created while invoking the Essence of the beings of Light, therefore paintings I create act as powerful talismans subtly attracting the vortex of Light into the daily life. I focus on creating mythical and magical art, such as angel art for example. I paint a whole pantheon of Goddesses, from Greek to Egyptian, but always in a context of my soul’s perception. The mission of my art is to bring balance into the world, through invoking the archetypal energy of the Divine Feminine, sometimes simply called the Goddess. I paint with oil on canvas, having a preference for bright bold palette, I use a lot of golden and silver leaf, shiny powder, Swarovski crystals as well as sometimes I dash into a fluorescent psychedelia.

To visit some of my online portfolios, please go to http://www.artmajeur.com/karisma
and http://www.artbreak.com/morganlefey.

Hi Karisma,
first of all iam not sure if this is a public comment so iam going to treat it as if it is .I meet u in brazil at your art show,well actually i meet u breifly before that.One thing that i know for sure is that u are a verry talented artist,and after reading your port folio on yourself you are very talented in life.U have achieved so much in your life and it would seem u are a very free spirit,I admire u from one god to another sovery much
talk soon

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